30/12-20 New pictures of the A3-litter, 9 weeks yesterday when I took the pictures!
Who would have thought that this year
would be a year that goes down in history as one of the worst. Last year was the
year of losses and this became
the year of the pandemic. I think everything has been said about Covid-19 and I
do not intend to dwell on it anymore. But I admit that in the middle of it
all I am selfish and admit that I miss the cat shows something terrible! And
then it's not really the actual competition I miss but my friends from the
cat world and everything around. But we can only hope that a vaccine solves this
problem and that later on we can meet again, socialize, laugh and
of course talk about cats.
This spring, I realized that something was not
right as my nose ran and I sneezed a lot. It turned out that I am hypersensitive
to cats.
So in order not to develop a full-scale allergy, I have during the year had to
make some difficult decisions and re-home some of my cats.
They have all been given super homes and it makes me happy to hear how loved
they are by their new families. But the loss is great ...
But now we look ahead and hope for a really nice 2021!
This year it is our beautiful girl S * Little L's
Xenia who is the model for my New Year's greeting!
If you are curious about previous years' Christmas cards
New Year's cards, click on the links.
28/12-20 New pictures of Victor on his own page!
Yesterday Zira moved to her new home! Ohh God what I miss her! But this still feels so good!
Good Luck in your new home, Zira!!
27/12-20 New pictures of the A3-litter, 8 weeks last Thusday when I took the pictures!
This year it got to be my beloved Victor who is on
my Christmas card.
Unfortunately, the Santa costume was a bit too tight as this year's Santa had to
hold his stomach a bit;)
16/12-20 New pictures of the A3-litter, 7 weeks yesterday when I took the pictures!
11/12-20 New pictures of Zira and Zini who still live here waiting to move abroad! The girls are 16 weeks old today!
9/12-20 New pictures of the A3-litter, 6 weeks yesterday when I took the pictures!
5/12-20 New picture of Victor on his own page!
1/12-20 New pictures of the A3-litter, 5 weeks today!
29/11-20 Happy Birthday 60's litter, 12 years!!!
26/11-20 Updated with some pictures of my cats on their own pages.
Schottische, Victor the Boss and Stella.
25/11-20 New pictures of the A3-litter, 4 weeks yesterday when I took the pictures!
22/11-20 Today Ziggy moved to his new family in Norway. We miss you so much and the house is very empty without you!
Good Luck in your new home, Ziggy!!
21/11-20 New pictures of the Z2-litter, 13 weeks yesterday when I took the pictures!
18/11-20 New pictures of the A3-litter, 3 weeks yesterday when I took the pictures!
16/11-20 New pictures of the Z2-litter, 12 weeks old last Friday when I took the pictures! This weekend the first two moved to their new families and we miss them both so much!
Good Luck in your new home,
Good Luck in your new home,
11/11-20 New pictures of the A3-litter, 2 weeks yesterday when I took the pictures!
10/11-20 Today, Adelaide
and Ophelia have moved to a new home together.
I have no opportunity to have so many cats when I am hypersensitive to cats.
That's why it felt so right when I found the perfect home for my girls.
They really are besties so separating them would not have been right.
Good luck in your new home, my beloved girls!
9/11-20 Today Fanta has moved to a new
home and I miss him terribly.
But this was simply perfect for him and he got the best home.
Good luck in your new home, my love Fanta!
6/11-20 New pictures of the Z2-litter, 11 weeks today!
New picture of Stella on her own page!
3/11-20 New pictures of the A3-litter, 1 week today!
Last week Alice moved to her new home. We miss her so much but she will have a great life with them!
31/10-20 Finally time for some updates here again! A lot has happend since last time ;)
Adelaide, Ophelia and Fanta are now neutered.
New pictures of the Z2-litter, 9 weeks last Friday and 10 weeks today! And of course are the pictures taken on the right day!
Welcome to the world,
S*Little L's A3-litter! Last Thusday Pärlan gave birth to five beautiful kittens!
Three girls and two boys, and they are all just wonderful!!!! *HAPPY HAPPY*
19/10-20 Happy Birthday AC/DC-litter, 2 years!!!
New pictures of the Z2-litter, 8 weeks last Friday when I took the pictures!
New pictures of Öystein, Alice, Pärlan and Victor on their own pages!
Since I have had allergic symptoms due to the cats,
I have decided to reduce my breeding.
However, I can not resist having cats, go to exhibition and sometimes having a
litter. But I will not have as many fertile cats
anymore and therefore not get kittens to the same extent as before. It also
means that I have to re-home some of my neutered cats.
If anyone is interested in taking over an adult, neutered cat or perhaps being a
host family for a fertile female, get in touch!
10/10-20 New pictures of the Z2-litter, 7 weeks yesterday when I took the pictures!
New pictures of Victor, already 7 months old!
8/10-20 Forever in my heart!
Today, our beloved Isaac has crossed the rainbow bridge after a period of
illness. The loss is almost too great to bear and our house is as empty as our
Love you forever, Isaac!
6/10-20 Yesterday I visited my beautiful girl Xenia. New pictures on her own side!
Finally, Stella has also got her own page!
4/10-20 New pictures of the Z2-litter, 5 weeks last week when I took the pictures!
New pictures of the Z2-litter, 6 weeks last Friday when I took the pictures!
23/9-20 Happy Birthday U2-litter, 1 year!!!
21/9-20 Happy Birthday Weather-litter, 4 years!!!
New pictures of the Z2-litter, 4 weeks last Friday when I took the pictures!
14/9-20 New pictures of the Z2-litter, 3 weeks last Friday when I took the pictures!
10/9-20 Happy Birthday Volcano-litter, 7 years!!!
4/9-20 New pictures of the Z2-litter, 2 weeks today!
New picture of Alice (now a neauter) and Victor on their own pages!
29/8-20 New pictures of the Z2-litter, 1 week old yesterday when I took the pics!
26/8-20 Happy Birthday Bob Dylan-litter, 4 years!!!
24/8-20 Welcome to the world,
S*Little L's Z2-litter! Last Friday Schottische gave birth to five wonderful kittens!
Two girls and three boys, and they are all fantastic!!!! *HAPPY HAPPY*
18/8-20 Happy Birthday Princess-litter, 8 years!!!
Finally got around to update my website, tried to
do it a bit "back in time".
Come to the conclusion that I better do it before the next litter of kittens
will be born =)
See plans!
13/8-20 New pictures of
Victor the Boss on his own
New pictures of Midnight Pearl on her
own page!
11/8-20 New pictures of Schottische on her own page!
5/8-20 Happy Birthday Rolling Stones-litter, 10 years!!!
New picture of Öystein on his own page!
4/8-20 Happy Birthday Astronomy-litter, 6 years!!!
We say Welcome to a new little star! Her name is S*Zimexis
Stella and she is a daughter after my Fanta.
Thank you Helle and Daniella for the trust to be owned by this lovely blue
Ps. I promise to make her own page but it will have to wait until a rainy day;)
3/8-20 Happy Birthday Opel-litter, 13 years!!!
29/7-20 Happy Birthday Garden-litter, 10 years!!!
28/7-20 Happy Birthday Clock-litter, 6 years!!!
27/7-20 Happy Birthday Video Game-litter, 8 years!!!
25/7-20 Today the last kitten moved to his new home. Westie are going to live together with Riverdance and Astroid which both come from me and he gets the best home!
Good Luck in your new home,
West Side Story!!
25/7-20 Today Vanessa moved to her new home. She is a girl who takes up a lot of space, both in the house and in the heart, so she leaves a big void behind.
Good Luck in your new home,
Vanessa the One!!
22/7-20 Happy Birthday Dance Band-litter, 12 years!!!
New picture of Isaac on his own page!
20/7-20 Visited Xenia and her host family and of course I took some pictures of her and Nazilli when I was there. Pictures on their own pages.
18/7-20 Happy Birthday Music groups-litter 6 years!!!
9/7-20 Today another kitten has moved. It was a hard decision since I really wanted to keep him but I realize that I can't keep one more male. Instead he finally got a perfect home of his own! But I miss him a lot!
Good Luck in your new home,
New pictures of the kittens that still live with us, V2, W2 and X2.
The wonderful boy Xero are still for sale!
All the kittens also got their own pages! And Victor and Xenia are now on the page for my cats!
3/7-20 Happy Birthday US Submarines-litter, 1 year!!!
1/7-20 Today, the next kitten has moved. But I know I will meet her again! =)
Good Luck in your new home,
27/6-20 Today Xenia moved to her new home. She will stay in my cattery but will live with our friends together with S*Little L's Nazilli JW. Thank you for making this possible!
Good Luck in your new home,
See you soon!
26/6-20 Today Xanadu moved to his new home. This guy leaves a big void behind him!
Good Luck in your new home,
25/6-20 The little one has moved to her new home today! She will have cat friends and hopefully there will be exhibitions in the future so I can see her again!
Good Luck in your new home,
24/6-20 Happy Birthday Cocktail-litter, 6 years!!!
Chikorita has moved to her new home and after a couple of days we can say that everything goes fine and she likes her new life! It makes me very happy!
22/6-20 Happy Birthday Beer-litter, 11 years!!!
21/6-20 Today was the next guy to move, oh my, what is going to be quiet now!
Good Luck in your new home, Wizard
of Oz!!
20/6-20 Today, it was Willy's turn to move away from home. Empty it starts to be ...
Good Luck in your new home, Willy
18/6-20 New pictures of Ypsilon from the Y2-litter, 12 weeks old last Wednesday!
17/6-20 New pictures of Fanta and Chikorita on their own pages! Chikorita is looking for a new home since she couldn't stay in her home.
Today the next kitten moved to her new home. Miss her already!
Good Luck in your new home,
16/6-20 New pictures of the X2-litter, 12 weeks last Friday!
Today the first kitten moved to her new home. Realize how empty this place will be in a few weeks ...
Good Luck in your new home,
13/6-20 New pictures of the V2-litter, 15 weeks last Thursday!! Vanessa is still for sale!
12/6-20 New pictures of
the W2-litter, 12 weeks last Wednesday!
New pictures of
Ypsilon from the Y2-litter, 11 weeks old last Wednesday!
11/6-20 Happy Birthday Jupiter-litter, 11 years!!!
5/6-20 New pictures of the X2-litter, 11 weeks today!
4/6-20 Happy Birthday Pokémon-litter, 5 years!!!
New pictures of the V2-litter, 14 weeks
today! And finally I've made up my mind! It will be Victor that stays with me!
Which means that Vanessa is for sale again. I would rather see her end up with
someone who is interested in breeding / show
since she is a very promising girl! In many ways better than her brother Victor
but this time I let my heart decide.
Happy that you stay with us, Victor the
New pictures of
Ypsilon from the Y2-litter, 10 weeks old!
New pictures of the W2-litter,
11 weeks old!
2/6-20 Happy Birthday Gameboy-litter, 2 years!!!
29/5-20 New pictures of the X2-litter, 10 weeks today!
28/5-20 All pictures were taken yesterday but time is not enough...
New pictures of
Ypsilon from the Y2-litter, 9 weeks yesterday!
New pictures of the W2-litter,
10 weeks yesterday!
27/5-20 Happy Crayola-litter, 3 years!!!
25/5-20 Happy Birthday City-litter, 8 years!!!
Finally the last pictures of the V2-litter, 12 weeks old!
23/5-20 As I have been
quite busy this week, all pictures have had to wait.
I have managed to photograph the kittens on the right day and today I have
updated with some pictures.
If the time is enough tonight, there will also be pictures of the V2 litter but
I promise nothing ;)
New pictures of the Y2-litter,
8 weeks last Wednesday!
New pictures of the W2-litter, 9 weeks last Wednesday!
New pictures of the X2-litter, 9 weeks last Friday!
Today another kitten moved and now it takes a while before I have to be separated from another baby! But you have no idea how empty it is without my 7 cotton balls here at home!
Good Luck in your new home,
Vanya the Sweet!!
22/5-20 Today, two more kittens have moved away from home! Gosh, it is calm and quiet in the house! I miss you all so much!
Good Luck in your new home,
Vilmer the Prince!!
Good Luck in your new home,
Vincent the King!!
21/5-20 Today the first two kittens flew out of the nest! How will I manage without my white hooligans! =(
Good Luck in your new home,
Vito the Best!!
Good Luck in your new home,
Vixa the Beauty!!
19/5-20 Happy Birthday 50´s-litter, 3 years!!!
16/5-20 Happy Birthday Movie-litter, 12 years!!!
15/5-20 New pictures of the X2-litter, 8 weeks today!
14/5-20 New pictures of the V2-litter, 11 weeks today!
13/5-20 New pictures of Ypsilon
from the Y2-litter, 7 weeks today!
New pictures of the W2-litter, 8 weeks today!
11/5-20 Happy Birthday Bad weather-litter, 7 years!!
8/5-20 New pictures of the X2-litter, 7 weeks today!
7/5-20 New pictures of the V2-litter, 10 weeks today!
6/5-20 New pictures of Ypsilon
from the Y2-litter, 6 weeks today!
New pictures of the W2-litter, 7 weeks today!
5/5-20 Happy Birthday Transformers-litter, 7 years!!!
2/5-20 New pictures of the V2-litter, 9 weeks the day before yesterday when I took the pictures
New pictures of the X2-litter, 6 weeks yesterday when I took the pictures!
30/4-20 Happy Birthday Greek island-litter, 9 years!!!
29/4-20 New pictures of Ypsilon
from the Y2-litter, 5 weeks today!
New pictures of the W2-litter, 6 weeks today!
New pictures of Schottische on her own page!
25/4-20 Happy Birthday Dance-litter, 1 year!!!
24/4-20 New pictures of the X2-litter, 5 weeks today!
23/4-20 Happy Birthday Liqueur-litter, 8 years!!!
New pictures of the V2-litter, 8 weeks today!
22/4-20 New pictures of Ypsilon
from the Y2-litter, 4 weeks today!
New pictures of the W2-litter, 5 weeks today!
20/4-20 New pictures of the X2-litter, 4 weeks last Friday when I took the pictures!
17/4-20 New pictures of the V2-litter, 7 weeks yesterday when I took the pictures!
16/4-20 New pictures of Ypsilon
from the Y2-litter, 3 weeks yesterday when I took the pictures!
New pictures of the W2-litter, 4 weeks yesterday when I took the pictures!
12/4-20 Happy Birthday Fruit-litter, 2 years!!!
New pictures of the X2-litter, 3 weeks last Friday when I took the pictures!
11/4-20 Finally some new pictures of the V2-litter, 6 weeks old last Thursday when I took the pictures! But it was not a good idea to wait to update. When I emptied the camera today I realize that it was apparently a strange light last Thursday for all the pictures are blue? Well, well, the kittens are absolutely wonderful, so it will do anyway =)
9/4-20 New pictures of
the W2-litter, 3 weeks yesterday when I took the pictures!
New pictures of the Y2-litter, 2 weeks yesterday when I took the pictures!
4/4-20 Happy Birthday Dance-litter, 7 years!!!
3/4-20 New pictures of the X2-litter, 2 weeks today!
2/4-20 Happy Birthday Mountain-litter, 3 years!!!
New pictures of the
V2-litter, 5 weeks today!
I've decided to keep Vanessa the One! =)
All the kittens except Vincent the King seems to have perfect hearing! =)
1/4-20 New pictures of
the W2-litter, 2 weeks today!
New pictures of the Y2-litter, 1 week today!
30/3-20 Happy Birthday Designer-litter, 4 years!!!
28/3-20 New pictures of the X2-litter, 1 week yesterday when I took the pictures!
27/3-20 New pictures of the V2-litter, 4 weeks yesterday!
26/3-20 Welcome to the
world, S*Little L's Y2-litter! Two days ago
Ophelia got a fantastic kitten!
After all, there was a lonely girl in her
belly even if I thought for a long time that she was false pregnant.
And considering that here already are many kittens,
it is nice that there were no more.
Now Ophelia, Alice and Adelaide are together
with all 10 kittens in a large cozy playpen for kittens.
25/3-20 New pictures of
the W2-litter, 1 week today!
Thank God for Alice! Without her Adelaides kittens wouldn’t be alive! Obviously
the chip totally destroyed Adelaides mother instincts since she never been like
this before! She got milk and she is feeding them but she doesn’t take care of
them at all. So both litters are now feeding on both Alice and Adelaide but it’s
Alice that does all the work.
New picture of Öystein and Schottische on their own pages!
22/3-20 Welcome to the world,
S*Little L's X2-litter! Two days ago Alice gave birth to four wonderful kittens!
Two girls and two boys, and they are all fantastic!!!! *HAPPY HAPPY*
Thank you Helena for making this possible! Giovanni is one of my favorites so it will be very exciting to see how they will develop!
20/3-20 How should I start to tell this story, the story about the litter of kittens that wasn’t supposed to exist?
Since I suspected that my male Fanta had mated several of my females I decided to put Adelaide on Suprelorin. And so we did when we went to the vet for the annual vaccination. What I didn’t know was Fanta already mated her some days before. She had not been in heat and I had not heard or seen any matings. Two days after the chip she (as expected) started a very strong heat and I gave her pills for several days to cool her down. And it worked! Days and weeks passed by and I didn’t think about it. My husband asked me many times if Adelaide was pregnant because she had that behavior and every time I told him that she was on Suprelorin. Finally one day he asked if they are supposed to lose their fur around the nipples when they are on the chip? I was pretty annoyed at him but I decided to check her belly. And I did not just feel a round belly full with kittens, they were also kicking!
I didn’t know when the mating had occurred and therefore I didn’t know when to expect the kittens? The last week I’ve been watching her very closely and waiting for some signs. And two days ago she finally started to deliver. The kittens had been very calm for several days and I had only felt kicking in one place of her belly so I was expecting maybe one healthy kitten and the rest of them stillborn. But Adelaide and Fanta made a miracle and five beautiful kittens were born. Now starts the worrying about how this will turn out?
It seems that Adelaide has a lot of milk but they didn’t gain weight like I wanted so I gave them formula. And now two days later they are growing nicely with almost no help. They are all very hungry and eager to eat so they seem to be strong. Fingers crossed that this litter will turn out with a good result! All the kittens look lovely and I’m proud to be a part of this unexpected miracle!
Welcome to the world,
S*Little L's W2-litter! Two days ago Adelaide unbelievable gave birth to five
beautiful kittens!
Two girls and three boys, and they are all sooo wonderful!!!! *HAPPY HAPPY*
19/3-20 New pictures of the V2-litter, 3 weeks today!
18/3-20 Happy Birthday Liqour-litter, 6 years!!!
Happy Birthday Shakespeare-litter, 2 year!!!
13/3-20 New pictures of the
V2-litter, 2 weeks yesterday when I took the pictures!
I am so happy that everything is going well with them all and that they are
growing as they should.
Caitlin is a fantastic mom and I haven't even had to feed anyone, she has food
for them all!
Happy Birthday
Pilgrim-litter, 10 years!!!
An extra thought goes to Humble!
6/3-20 Happy Birthday Temperature-litter, 4 years!!!
New pictures of the V2-litter, 1 week yesterday when I took the pictures! Now they also got their names!
5/3-20 This is the last picture of my beloved Humble. Due to complications with his eye, the veterinarian and I decided that we had to let him go over the Rainbow Bridge and be relieved from all the pain. The sorrow is tremendous and my heart aches. The tears won’t stop falling and I can’t find the words to even begin to describe how much I am hurting. A few weeks has now passed and I still can’t talk about him without wanting to cry. But I know I made the right decision, even if it was the hardest one I have ever made.
I will not reply to any private messages about this as it is still too fresh to talk about and I’m hurting enough when writing this now. But I want to share with you as I’m sitting here thinking of names for his seven white grandchildren that of course I want to name in honor of him. He has given me so much joy and meant so much for both me personally and for my breeding. My Sweet, Beautiful Prince, the Boss of the house, the King of my heart, the Best cat ever and the only One for me!
Forever in my heart!
S*Little L's Humble JW DVM DSM
2010-03-11 - 2020-02-19
1/3-20 Happy Birthday Keyboard-litter, 4 years!!!
29/2-20 Happy Birthday Sports Car-litter, 8 years!!!
27/2-20 Happy Birthday Islands-litter, 5 years!!!
Welcome to the
world, S*Little L's V2-litter! Today Caitlin gave birth to seven wonderful
Three girls and four boys, and they are all sooo beautiful!!!! *HAPPY HAPPY*
And guess what....ALL OF THEM ARE WHITE!!! =) I have never before heard of such
a large litter where ALL have been white!
I'm in 7th heaven =)
26/2-20 Last Wednesday my amazing silver boy moved to his new home! Now the house is very silent, empty and very calm! Miss him so very much but I know that he will have a nice life with Martina in Germany!
Good Luck in your new home, Unknown
24/2-20 New pictures of Unknown Caller from the U2-litter, 22 weeks today!
Today Fonzie has moved
to a friend of my son. It feels great and it will be so nice for him!
Of course, we will miss him a lot but living his whole life in a cattery when
you have been neutered so early does not feel fair.
He will simply get better life in a home where he gets all the attention and
does not have to share it with several other cats.
Good Luck lovely Fonzie! See you soon!
18/2-20 Happy Birthday Disney-litter, 4 years!!!
17/2-20 Happy Birthday Texas-litter, 7 years!!!
The kittens from the U2-litter got their own pages under Litters!
Last Saturday my wonderful silver girl Ultra Violet moved to her new home! Oh God, how I miss her! But I know she will have a great life in Russia with Alexander and his family!
Good Luck in your new home, Ultra
15/2-20 Happy Birthday Tires-litter, 10 years!!!
14/2-20 Forgive me, I'm so sorry! I know I haven't updated here in a very long time! But last year was tough so when the kittens got so big that I didn't have to photograph them every week I simply took a break! If I get sloppy again you can always follow me on instagram where I post many pictures of my cats under the name; little_l_nfo
Today I have updated
with many pictures of several of the cats!
Adelaide, Öystein, Fonzie,
Caitlin, Fanta, Schottische
I've also updated my Plans with exciting things! =)
And of course, it has happened a lot since my last update! Among other things, we were in Denmark at an exhibition where there was Norwegian Forest Cat Championship on Saturday. And Kims beautiful Schottische was Best In Show Junior! =)
S*Little L's Schottische - BEST IN SHOW!!!
18/1-20 Happy Birthday Animal-litter, 5 years!!!
13/1-20 Happy Birthday Marvel-litter, 3 years!!!
30/12-19 HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Made two new pages where I
collected all the Christmas cards and
New Year's cards that I made over the years.
Old news!
The really old news is just in Swedish, click on the links below if you are interested
Maybe you can understand some and there are plenty of pictures:)